Case Studies & Position Papers

Case Studies & Position Papers

This is where we go beyond marketing and sales and into real-world operations. BinSentry is working with its commercial partners on studies to explore and understand more about how we can provide solutions to their biggest challenges. 

BinSentry and Hanor Case Study: Understanding how out-of-feed events impact FCR

BinSentry partnered with Hanor, one of North America’s top pork producers, on a year-long study that aimed to better understand the connection between out-of-feed events and feed conversion ratios.

From July 2022 to August 2023, 200 BinSentry sensors were installed across 28 Hanor sites with a total of 100 hog barns monitored.

What did we find? The vast majority of out-of-feed events were due to issues with manual bin slide management. 

Download the full case study.  

Title page of BinSentry FCR position paper.Position Paper: Exploring the connection between out-of-feed events and FCR

To date, there has never been a clear or strong correlation between feed outages and feed conversion ratios (FCR). 

So, we wanted to understand why. 

In this position paper, we take you through how, by monitoring tens of thousands of feed bins across North America, our team discovered a new, previously undetected source of out-of-feed events: Slide management. 

By not being able to see or track slide management, you could be missing up to 80% of all outages. 

Download the position paper now.